CategoriesMind Society Today6 keys to brain care and development By Avril ParrillatPosted on23/06/202128/06/2021Reading Time: 3.6 min. Español Did you know that brain development never stops? That’s how it is. As long as … Continue Reading6 keys to brain care and development
CategoriesMind Society Today¿Qué es el Wellness? By Avril ParrillatPosted on11/06/202101/10/2024Tiempo de lectura: 2.3 min. Todos conocemos o hemos escuchado hablar o leído sobre el concepto Wellness. Desde hace un … Continue Reading¿Qué es el Wellness?
CategoriesMind Society TodayWellness Defined By Avril ParrillatPosted on11/06/202115/06/2021Reading Time: 2.3 min. We all know or have heard about or read about the Wellness concept. For a couple … Continue ReadingWellness Defined
CategoriesSociety Today TechnologyWhat are NFTs? and what you should know about them By Avril ParrillatPosted on07/06/202103/05/2024Reading Time: 2.3 min. In recent years, the economy and the way intellectual property issues are handled have changed by … Continue ReadingWhat are NFTs? and what you should know about them
CategoriesSociety Today Technology¿Qué son los NFT? y por qué vale la pena conocerlos By Avril ParrillatPosted on07/06/202107/06/2021Tiempo de lectura: 2.3 min. En los últimos años, la economía y la forma en la que se manejan temas … Continue Reading¿Qué son los NFT? y por qué vale la pena conocerlos
CategoriesSociety Today TechnologyTravel across the world, from the comfort of your home By Avril ParrillatPosted on04/06/202104/06/2021Reading Time: 3 min. One of the best things we discovered on quarantines is a new way to travel. The … Continue ReadingTravel across the world, from the comfort of your home
CategoriesSociety Today TechnologyViaja por el mundo, sin salir de casa By Avril ParrillatPosted on04/06/202104/06/2021Tiempo de lectura: 3 min. Una de las muchas cosas que descubrimos durante la cuarentena fue una nueva forma de … Continue ReadingViaja por el mundo, sin salir de casa
CategoriesSociety Society TodayDare to Dream. Ephemera experiences for your dream wedding By Avril ParrillatPosted on29/05/202122/12/2023Reading Time: 2.1 min. As you walk down a magnificent aisle subtly lit by candles hanging from up above, the … Continue ReadingDare to Dream. Ephemera experiences for your dream wedding
CategoriesSociety Society TodayAtrévete a soñar. Experiencias efímeras para la boda de tus sueños. By Avril ParrillatPosted on29/05/202115/06/2022Tiempo de lectura: 2.2 min. Mientras recorres un camino espectacular, iluminado por una luz sutil emanada por velas que cuelgan … Continue ReadingAtrévete a soñar. Experiencias efímeras para la boda de tus sueños.
CategoriesHealth YouSitting is the New Smoking By Avril ParrillatPosted on24/05/202122/12/2023Reading Time: 4.3 min. «Sitting is more dangerous than smoking, it kills more people than HIV, and it is more … Continue ReadingSitting is the New Smoking