Reading Time: 3.1 min.
Written communication takes an essential place in our lives. When sending a WhatsApp message, an SMS, or an email, we are using written language and sharing our thoughts and ideas with the world.
The region in our brains in charge of written communication may be overstimulated. It would be easy to assume that we are constantly writing and hence the benefits of this activity are a given to all of us. Sadly, we would be mistaken.

Studies have proven that among the benefits given by the art of writing stand those related to learning, attention, focus, sociability, creativity, and even our health.
Sure. As long as you are willing to grab a pen and a piece of paper, these benefits are gained through the coordination between hand, eye, and brain that take to write some lines on a piece of paper.

If you want to improve your day by adding handwriting in your life and reap the benefits, here are some of our favorite exercises to discover the pleasure and rewards given by this practice.
Studies have proven that the simple practice of opening your heart and pouring out your thoughts on a piece of paper may lead to physical and mental improvement, thoughts clarity, reduce stress levels, and even boost your immunological system.

Make sure you are in a quiet place. Avoid distractions.
Breathe deeply a couple of times and start dropping all your thoughts in the sheet for 15 to 30 minutes. Don’t worry if your letter seems like doodles. Don’t judge the result or “meaning” of the words. This is about letting your mind wander away and release your spirit.
When you are done, inhale deeply one more time and notice the relaxed loosed feeling in both your body and mind.
Studies have proved that when people write down their tasks to accomplish and goals have about 33% more possibilities of achieving them. Handwriting helps to increase the possibilities or retaining information, by helping the brain to visualize an accomplished task, that begins when we write down that reality to come.

First of all, keep realistic expectations and avoid the temptation of writing more than 5 items on your list.
Our advice is to keep the most important or challenging up top.
Remember that you must be as specific as you can. The more specific you are the easier it will be for your brain to start making this a reality. After all, there are few things as pleasant as crossing out a completed task from a to-do list.
If standing still and hold your breath is not for you, try handwriting. It has been proven that this activity increases activity on parts of the brain, similar to those by meditation. If that wasn’t enough, making calligraphic style shapes with ink over paper involves elements of drawing that help to understand the harmony and balance between shapes and characters.

Choose a quote, a poem, the lyrics to a song, or an affirmation, and enjoy each stroke as the pen slides on the paper, at your own pace. Don’t worry if it isn’t perfect. This is about enjoying the process.
Writing is a fantastic workout to nurture the ability to pay attention and appreciating the unique parts of the details of every day. By keeping handwritten notes, you can go back and cherish once more these small glimpses of beauty.

Always carry with you a pad. When you discover or think about something that sparks some sort of emotion – joy, gloom, surprise, pleasure, nostalgia, and more- write down the date, moment and observation, in just a sentence. By joining these pieces, these brief instants make up the ever-fascinating poetry of life.
As unique as we are, each one of us has its style of handwriting. While a printed text may feel detached, a handwritten note or a letter is loaded with the emotions, energy, and time from the author. Handwritten letters are much more than a nostalgic gesture. They are a lovely special way to create a significant connection with a person far away.

Take the time to write a letter to a friend that you haven’t talked to in a while or surprise your significant other with a positive note, written by you. You will immediately discover the benefits of writing when it comes to sharing your energy with others.