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Is time to celebrate great events placed on stand-by. Weddings, baptisms, anniversaries and others, deserve to be commemorated in a big way and include our friends and family.
Statement by Alazan knows that planning an event is not easy. There are many details to consider and countless things that could go wrong. So to celebrate as you dreamed – and not fail in the attempt – we recommend choosing experts who master all the necessary knowledge and who have the sensitivity and empathy to create a tailor-made suit that makes that day something unique and unique.

Dedicating time and effort to create a Hollywood-like production that will last only a few hours requires a peculiar sensitivity and commitment to take the reins and lead the team in charge of realizing the dreams of those who trust them. It is a matter of vocation. That is why we present you to one of the brightest and most recognized experts in the art of organizing events.
The proudly from Puebla, Idania García Torres, who studied a degree in communication sciences at UDLA and a Masters’ degree at the University of Barcelona, and at the time discovered there that her true calling was to be a Dream Designer.

Life presents you with something that makes you say, This is me. The first time I had the opportunity to help organize an event, I thought: wow, this is purely good news! Either it is a wedding, a party, or a celebration, or Life itself. It is incredible to do events».
She shares in a video call.
Looking at her, it is clear that Idania is a woman who appreciates attention to detail; she wears a fantastic outfit, a genuine smile, and radiates authentic warmth. Idania listens to her interlocutors attentively and notices anything that generates emotion. In her mind, all the events she holds are as special and unique as the people that celebrate them.
As a leader, she has managed to transmit to her team the value of the trust that they are giving them by making them givers of good news. She values the ideas of her team. Among them, she encourages a sense of respect, love, and professionalism. It allows them to keep a cool head and warm emotions when organizing an event or facing a problem during it.
This visionary businesswoman and self-proclaimed helpless romantic is a faithful believer that everyone can achieve their dreams. If you believe it and create it, you can make it come true. She declares with confidence.

When revealing herself as super romantic, it would be easy to assume that her favorite events are weddings. However, she affirms that although for a long time she loved weddings – her first one at age 24 – today, at age 40, Idania chooses her battles well and seeks to feel fulfilled in everything she does. Long ago, she decided to take a maximum of 10 main events a year and dedicate that love to other tasks. To her, that is just as great as setting up tables. A good treats table is the momentum of the celebration meant to flatter the guests and thank them for being part of that magic moment.

One of the most extraordinary aspects of this successful Mexican is the conscience in which she has supported different philanthropic causes for many years.
I think I am very fortunate. From something so simple, and things that we take for granted, like bathing with hot water. We are part of an extremely fortunate sector of the population. We live in a country where poverty is the biggest problem. I believe that all of us who are blessed have a great job to do. It’s something I’ve always loved.».

Aside from her philanthropic work, Idania is considered by her team as a mentor. She represents dedication, conviction, and the ability to multitask while taking care of everything.
Thanks to the leadership and empathy of Idania, they had the opportunity to cope with the pandemic and created intimate events in their clients’ homes. Observed the strictest hygiene measures and customized each aspect to renovate each home for the event to celebrate and create an extraordinary moment.

Before saying goodbye, Idania shares that one of the most important things to remember is that the range of possibilities for holding an event is immense. So it should reflect the personality of those who want to share it with their guests.
Learn more about their event organization services at