CategoriesWorkout YouThe ASPENX x Prada skiwear collection is ready for the slopes By StatementPosted on13/01/202213/01/2022Reading Time: 1 min.. Español You still have time to enjoy the ski season and do it in style, sporting … Continue ReadingThe ASPENX x Prada skiwear collection is ready for the slopes
CategoriesWorkout YouEntrena al ritmo de Beyoncé By StatementPosted on19/10/202119/10/2021Tiempo de lectura: 1 min. English Si eres aficionada al fitness y tu estilo de vida es activo y saludable, … Continue ReadingEntrena al ritmo de Beyoncé
CategoriesWorkout YouTrain to the beat of Beyoncé By StatementPosted on19/10/202119/10/2021Reading Time: 1 min. Español If you are a fitness fan and your lifestyle is active and healthy, you must … Continue ReadingTrain to the beat of Beyoncé
CategoriesBeauty YouTerapias de luz LED: una opción para tu piel By StatementPosted on20/08/202122/12/2023Tiempo de lectura: 2 min. English Las terapias de luz led para mejorar tu piel son un método moderno que … Continue ReadingTerapias de luz LED: una opción para tu piel
CategoriesBeauty YouLED light therapy: an option for your skin By Victor GaonaPosted on20/08/202116/02/2024Reading Time: 2 min. Español LED light therapies for skin improvement are a modern method that has been growing strong … Continue ReadingLED light therapy: an option for your skin
CategoriesWorkout YouBody Positive es amar y cuidar tu cuerpo, tendencias de entrenamientos para este verano By StatementPosted on03/08/202103/08/2021Tiempo de lectura: 2 min. English El 2021 se perfila para ser el año internacional para probar nuevas tendencias en … Continue ReadingBody Positive es amar y cuidar tu cuerpo, tendencias de entrenamientos para este verano
CategoriesWorkout YouBody Positive is loving and caring for your body, training trends for this summer By StatementPosted on03/08/202103/08/2021Reading Time: 1.8 min. Español 2021 is shaping up to be the international year to test new trends in fitness. … Continue ReadingBody Positive is loving and caring for your body, training trends for this summer
CategoriesHealth YouAyuda a tus hijos a calmar la ansiedad post pandemia By StatementPosted on12/07/202122/12/2023Tiempo de lectura: 4.4 min. English Una de las cosas que tenemos que agradecer de la pandemia ha sido la … Continue ReadingAyuda a tus hijos a calmar la ansiedad post pandemia
CategoriesHealth YouHelp your children calm post-pandemic anxiety By StatementPosted on12/07/202115/12/2022Reading Time: 4.3 min. Español One of the things to appreciate about the pandemic is the opportunity it presents to … Continue ReadingHelp your children calm post-pandemic anxiety
CategoriesHealth YouSitting is the New Smoking By Avril ParrillatPosted on24/05/202122/12/2023Reading Time: 4.3 min. «Sitting is more dangerous than smoking, it kills more people than HIV, and it is more … Continue ReadingSitting is the New Smoking