Three benefits of giving up dairy

Reading Time: 2 min.

In Mexico, between 110 and 120 liters of milk are consumed per inhabitant each year. From childhood, we have become so accustomed to consuming dairy products that it has become a habit. However, it is paramount to consider all the benefits of reducing or eliminating dairy consumption. Learn three benefits of giving up dairy. 

Balances hormones

Dairy products contain hormones like estrogen that can be absorbed in our bodies. Some studies relate to the presence of growth hormone. Additionally, insulin, the hormone that controls blood sugar, is vulnerable to fluctuations that can lead to insulin resistance, a precursor to type 2 diabetes.

Reduces inflammation

Sensitivity or allergy to dairy can contribute to intestinal and body inflammation. Milk allergy occurs when the body attacks casein, the protein in dairy products, triggering an immune system response, also known as inflammation. Keeping your gut healthy to reduce chronic inflammation is fundamental. Eliminating dairy is a step toward improving gut health.

Lose weight

Eliminating dairy can help you lose weight, as many dairy products contain high amounts of sugar and saturated fat. Research has shown that excessive sugar consumption can contribute to an increased risk of metabolic syndrome and obesity. By eliminating dairy products from your diet, you may experience weight loss due to an overall reduction in sugar and saturated fat intake.

A great option to include dairy alternatives is the Silk line, and its sugared and unsweetened milk in flavors such as oatmeal, almond, coconut, chocolate, and more in a surprisingly delicious line and a great alternative to making better decisions for your health.

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Statement, Alan González S. ©


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