Fashion Group International presents the new board of directors of its Mexico chapter

Reading Time: 2 min.

On January 24, the traditional ceremony of the trophy cup for the board of directors of Fashion Group International, Mexico chapter, was held at the St. Regis hotel. This event celebrated the successful closing of the 2021-2023 biennium of the now former director and fashion princess, the designer Montserrat Messeguer Lavín and welcomed and wished congratulations to the new board of directors, headed by the new director, the talented Zaira Marino Pacheco; who looked particularly radiant for this exceptional moment.

The prestigious powerhouse association based in New York is a non-profit organization of fashion professionals with more than 5,000 members globally and was born in 1930 as the first non-profit organization to promote the industry.

During the event, the new director, Zaira Marino, presented a comprehensive strategic model that will provide the necessary tools to meet the objectives of this new board of directors, identify the key factors to measure results, and allocate available resources to those issues of commanding interest to The Fashion Group International Mexico, facilitating management and decision-making in this biennium. The model consists of 3 C’s: Grow, Connect and Create. First, by identifying entrepreneurs and talents in the union’s areas of interest, expanding the experiences and the scope of the proposals we have prepared.

We want to continue connecting partners and link them in activities with economic and social impact through art, culture, and education. And to create more business opportunities with strategic allies and professional development programs in different areas.

Zaira Marino – Director Fashion Group Mexico

During these 61 years, FGI Mexico has had the direction of great industry professionals such as Ruth Ascorve de Durán, Jeanner Driscoll, Ruth Schereck, Olvido Salazar Mallen, Martha Zires, Carmen Gerdes, Guillermina Zamudio, Dorothy López Negrete, Anna Fusoni, Cecilia Amador, Maria Luisa Galindo, Ileana Ramírez, Norma Otero, María Durán, María Emilia Pietrini, Ana Laura Dosal, Tessie Picazo, Maria Teresa Vargas, Marilyn Goeters, Kena Moreno, Jannette Klein, Odette de Anda, Lydia Lavin, Desirée Navarro, Carlota de la Vega Pietrini, Linda Flores, Roberto López-Ortega Montañez, Aline Bortoloti, Shula Atri and Montserrat Messeguer.

The new board of directors includes Paola Hinojos, who will be the treasurer; Jasive Fernández will act as Secretary; Brenda Jaet in Special Projects; Marisol Conover in Academic Outreach; Aline Bortoloti in Philanthropic Outreach; Jaime Ibiza in Accessories, Design, and Clothing to Benito Santos, Jewelry to Tanya Moss, Public Relations to Molén Antolin, Commercial Coordination to Laura Cueto, Digital Communication to Ricardo Encinas, Beauty and Image to Francisco Iglesias and Counselor to Lydia Lavín.

Among those invited to taste an extraordinary meal were many personalities such as Fernando Toledo, Zaira Zepeda, Kena Moreno, Odette de Anda, Anna Fusoni, Maria del Mar Barrientos, Karla Martínez de Salas, Ailedd Menduet, Rafael Urdaneta, Gabriela Andrade Gorab among others.



Statement. AG.

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