Madame Butterfly at the Hellenic Cultural Institute

Reading Time: 2 min.

There is no more universal and purer language than that of dance. Without words, each movement transmits an undeniable emotion that, along with the melody, allows the artist to interpret and move the audience. Live this experience with the thrilling classic story of Madame Butterfly, created from Puccini’s opera and presented by the Infinita Company in the Gothic chapel of the Hellenic Cultural Institute.

From Thursday to Sunday from July 4 to 28, 2024, you can live an experience that is a delight for the senses in an incredible forum that takes you to another time and space. 

The classic tragedy is performed under the direction of the great talents of Rodrigo González and Raúl Tamez and an extraordinary cast of dancers such as Karla Falcón, Jennifer Rivera, Far Alonso, Álvaro Pérez, Lilia Castaños, Yokoyani Arreola and Yoshio Córdoba, alternating casts.

Statement media recommends it because not only is it a show in which the talent of the dancers and the direction move and surprise with sublime grace and precision, but where costumes captivate with a centuries-old beauty that characterizes this story and the place itself becomes one more element of this staging that ensures enjoying a moment that passes in an instant of beauty, precision, and passion on stage.

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Statement, Alan González S. ©


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