Natural beauty in your hair with Arkhé

Reading Time: 2 min.

Between dyes, conditioners, creams, and other products we apply to our hair, it is necessary to look for alternatives that help it recover its natural beauty and shine and are kind to the planet; that is when you discover Arkhé.

This innovative premium brand of hair cosmetics comes to Mexico from Spain with a steady commitment to creating conscious, relentless, and sustainable beauty with ingredients of natural origin, fair trade, and free of animal cruelty.

After more than five years of research, a team of biologists, chemists, and engineers, in collaboration with two Spanish universities, have managed to transfer the latest clinical advances to hair care. The result is a complete hair care line of seven treatment families, one for styling and another for the body. 

Arkhé, from the Greek “beginning” or “origin,” is a fundamental concept in the philosophy of Ancient Greece that meant the beginning of the universe or the first element of all things. It is what explains the beginning of the universe with a rational explanation, with one or several substances.

In its technology, the brand has created a unique patented system, which encapsulates the active ingredients, then released in the areas where it is most needed, enhancing its results and allowing them to calibrate in the most precise way according to the needs of each hair. Furthermore, to restore balance to the scalp microbiome, Arkhé incorporates in all its formulas the prebiotic active chlorella vulgaris extracted from a lake in the city of Banyoles in Spain.

Arkhé is 100% sustainable, seeking a minor impact on the environment and contributing positively with all its actions, Starting with its natural formulas, created with up to 96% naturalness, manufactured with renewable energy in Barcelona, ​​avoiding the emission of 167 tons of CO2 per year.

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Statement, Alan Gonzálex S. ©, Arkhé.


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