Reading Time: 2.1 min.
Au Mexico, rien n’est impossible. Nothing is impossible in Mexico, a powerful statement that gave birth to a beautiful friendship and connection between the great Marie Thérese Hermand de Arango and the talented Mexican designer stationed in Paris, Jorge Ayala. Today, this phrase takes on value when presenting Renacer the well-deserved posthumous tribute to the philanthropist of Egyptian and Belgian origin, with a heart as Mexican as the huipiles she proudly wore and the folk art she proudly exalted. The Renacer runway will be a worthy tribute to this extraordinary personality through 32 original pieces or garments of the honoree intervened by the artist and designer, which will be presented on September 11 at 11:11 at the Museum of Popular Art, which the proceeds from the entrance donations and the auction sales will serve to continue supporting the dream of Marie Thérese and the support programs for popular art and artisans of MAP friends.
Chaired by Mercedes Vigil, the board of the museum, known as Amigos MAP, presents in Renacer an original proposal in which inspiration from popular art mixed with a modern and artistic touch that characterizes Ayala, based on the double intention of raising funds to support museum programs and pay tribute to its founder.

The cultural and artistic connection between France and Mexico was the main common link between the designer and the former president of the board of trustees. Both share a love for artisanal and unique creations, intervened manually, and unparalleled passion for Mexico and its artisans. That stands in each of the garments in the parade, in which upcycling, color, and Mexican savoir-faire are in every detail.
After the runway, all the garments will stand auctioned to help the programs of the Board of Trustees and the Museum of Popular Art. Within the Renacer line, garments by Mrs. Hermand de Arango stand out, donated by her family, and intervened by Ayala to promote the recycling culture and show the spirit of Renacer. In addition, typical raw materials of Mexican craftsmanship, like petates and various others, were employed. So, the essence of the museum and Mrs. Hermand de Arango’s passionate love for folk artists are present in every detail.

Currently, the networks of the artist, the museum, and the patronage have been running a teaser campaign to share a little of what will be shown on September 11, in which extraordinary designs display the love for each of the states of Mexico.
Do not miss this grand opportunity to enjoy a morning of fashion, art, style, and love for Mexico at Renacer. Monday, September 11, at 11:11 a.m. at the Museo de Arte Popular located at Revillagigedo 11 in the center of Mexico City.

Get your tickets through a donation to the Amigos MAP programs at AmigosMAP.
Statement – Alan González S, Amigos MAP.