Discover the magic of avocado leaves

Reading Time: 2 min.

One of the best wellness trends is discovering and trying new uses and properties in our food and our way of living. Today, we will share some of the wonders and magic of avocado leaves.

Typically underrated and overlooked, avocado leaves are a hidden treasure in our environment. More than simple tree leaves, they have properties that go far beyond their characteristic aroma. These are some of the benefits they offer backed by science.

Antioxidant Properties

Scientific research, such as the study conducted by Food Chemistry, has revealed that avocado leaves contain phenolic compounds and flavonoids. These components are known for their antioxidant power, which helps combat oxidative stress in the human body.

Anti-inflammatory effects

The journal BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine published a study that stands out the anti-inflammatory properties of avocado leaves. Extracts from these leaves reduce inflammation, which may be beneficial in conditions such as arthritis and related diseases.

Benefits for digestive health

Polyphenolic compounds and fiber in avocado leaves may contribute to digestive health. Fiber is essential for the fit functioning of the digestive system, while polyphenols can help reduce gastrointestinal problems.

How to use avocado leaves?

There are multiple ways to incorporate these leaves into your daily life:

  • Infusion: Preparing an infusion with dried leaves can be an easy and effective way to obtain its benefits; however, there may be contraindications, and we will share some with you.
  • Cooking: Adding avocado leaves to stews or soups, in addition to being beneficial for health, gives an unmatched aromatic touch to dishes. Among the diverse Mexican cuisine, avocado leaves flavor an array of dishes, for example, mixiote, a typical meat stew, usually lamb, bathed in a chili sauce wrapped in a mamey leaf.

What are the contraindications of avocado infusion?

According to an article published by El País, since it reduces glucose levels, it is recommended to be careful, especially if you have diabetes and are undergoing treatment, as it can lower sugar levels the same if you suffer from hypoglycemia. On the other hand, it is not advisable for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. If you have any questions, it’s time to visit a doctor or health expert.




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