Concepts and Japanese philosophy to improve your day to day

Reading Time: 1.6 min.

Everyday life presents us with new opportunities to enjoy it if we choose to. That is why it is essential to know concepts and ideas that help us see life differently and make the most of our time on the planet. With this in mind, we present seven powerful Japanese concepts that will change your every day.


Discover your purpose in life. This concept invites us to discover the star reason why you wake up every morning. To live in an Ikigai way, find something that matches your strengths, passion, and global needs. That is what will give meaning to your life.

Shikata ga nai

Let go of what you cannot change.

Learn to recognize that there are things we can’t control, and that’s okay too. If something doesn’t flow, let it go and focus on what you can change.


Wabi-sabi tries to find peace in imperfection. It is to acknowledge that nothing in life is perfect, including yourself and others. Instead of chasing perfection, find joy in the flaws that make life unique.


Preserve dignity in the face of adversity.

This principle teaches us to show emotional maturity and self-control when facing a challenge. It reminds us of the importance of being resilient and understanding.


Don’t compare yourself to someone else.

We each have a different path and lifetime. It is essential to focus on our progress instead of trying to compare ourselves with others.


Always seek to improve in all areas of your life.

Remember that small changes- in the long run – generate unparalleled impact.


When the student sets, the teacher appears. When the student is ready, the teacher will disappear. – Tao Te Ching.

This principle is a way to learn and master a technique. For the Japanese, there are three steps to acquiring knowledge:

Shu: Learn the elementary by following the teachings of a master. Mimicking the work of other greats also falls into this category.

Ha: Start experimenting, learn from the greats, and integrate your learning into practice.

Ri: This step focuses on innovation and the ability to apply your learning in different scenarios.

We invite you to follow these principles and experience unbelievable changes in your life.



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