DITA eyewear and their intentional beauty

Reading Time: 1.2 min.

In the mid-nineties, inspired by the vintage frames of the 50s and 60s, DITA was born, a brand of exclusive lenses focused on seeing what others ignore. DITA designs stand out by seeking an aesthetic of intentional beauty and craftsmanship that pays homage to the unnoticed.

Like the samurai’s wordsmiths of yesteryear, DITA’s artisans and master craftsmen have been perfecting their art for up to 50 years. Each frame is a masterpiece that can take up to 320 individual manufacturing steps that may take more than eight months to produce. 

DITA frames use a thin, durable beta titanium that is astonishingly flexible and weighs ⅓ the weight of conventional steel. Its removable and replaceable parts guarantee greater longevity.

All DITA lenses feature an AR (anti-reflective) coating that reduces back-of-lens reflections, gradients, mirrors, and flare. Its resistance is unmatched thanks to an additional hard chemical coating that increases scratch resistance and improves cleanliness and durability.

As the production process for DITA frames nears its end, the edges of the markings are welded to the bridge manually, and the entire assembly is then hand-filed by a skilled craftsman before being hand-polished on a specialized polishing machine.

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Statement, Alan González S. ©


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