MEXICO IS THE SHIT, the story behind the phenomenon

Reading Time: 2 min.

Mexico is everything. Mexico is color, passion, ingenuity, creativity, and talent. To continue celebrating the most Mexican month, Statement presents you the story behind a cultural, artistic, social, and commercial phenomenon, 100% Mexican, Mexico Is The Shit.

Unlike what many believe, “MEXICO IS THE SHIT” began as a uniform for artists who participated in different events abroad so that they would have a way to represent Mexico wherever they went. The garment, designed by Anuar Layon in Mexico City, was about to change the panorama of contemporary Mexican design. 

In 2016, given the negative comments towards Mexico and its people by the then president of the United States, Donald Trump, Carlos E. Lang took a photo in front of Trump Tower wearing the jacket; that photo immediately went viral, positioning the brand in an outstanding way in Mexico and the world.

Of course, the garment and the phrase caused quite a controversy, which helped increase their popularity. The jacket was later worn by national and international celebrities, leaving a clear statement.

Since then, MEXICO IS THE SHIT has launched a wide range of products, all meant to celebrate Mexican culture and promote national pride. The brand has collaborated with national and international artists and designers and has been recognized globally for its unique and avant-garde approach. 

Today, “MEXICO IS THE SHIT” is one of the most recognized brands in Mexico and has managed to place the country on the global fashion map. Its positive message and authentic style inspire new generations of designers and entrepreneurs to bring Mexican creativity and passion to the world. 

Saying “MEXICO IS THE SHIT” is not a phrase, it is a statement. It is an opportunity to remind the world that Mexico is great!, and that everything made in Mexico is well made.

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Statement, Alan González S. ©


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