Stoicism and philosophy to improve our day to day

Reading Time: 2 min.

If you use networks and the internet to strive to improve your life, surely you have heard of stoicism. A current of ancient philosophical thought that has recently gained many followers due to the simplicity and effectiveness that this way of seeing the world brings to our daily life.

This philosophy began by Zenón de Citio around the year 300 B.C. And some of its best-known exponents are the philosophers Seneca, Epictetus, and Marcus Aurelius. For the Stoics, the only thing that we can fully control is our judgments and how we perceive and understand the world.

Everything else that happens outside of us is things that, no matter how hard we try, will never fully be under our control. This is things like the love of others, fulfilling wishes, the perception of others, and possessions. According to the Stoics, when we base our well-being on these things, we are at their mercy, and we can end up frustrated or disappointed.

When we master our judgments, we gain greater control of how we perceive – and how it affects us – the outside. And thus, we can achieve inner peace and happiness. Among the followers of this current philosophy, we can find CEOs of some of the most successful companies, NFL players, and former United States presidents such as George Washington.

The three fundamental disciplines of stoicism are objective judgment, selfless action, and the willingness to accept.

Objective Judgment

It invites us to keep an open mind and see things as they are without drama about possible scenarios.

Unselfish Action

It sums up the adage, do to others as you would like them to do to you.

Will to accept

Remain willing to accept disappointments as a natural part of life.

Before you begin the practice of stoicism philosophy, there are three fundamental exercises you must master and work on constantly. These are Stoic Meditation, Third Person Visualization, and Negative Visualization.

Stoic Meditation

Take time alone for yourself to reflect on your actions and take time to write in a journal.

Third Person Viewing

Visualize yourself from a bird’s eye perspective to understand how tiny our problems are.

Negative Display

Dare to think about the worst scenario and prepare yourself mentally to accept it without suffering.

Learn more about this practice at Daily Stoic.


Dozemode Pixabay, Sivani Bandaru, Jeremy Vessey, Annie Spratt Unsplash.


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