Reading Time: 1.4 min.
Art and its expressions move and incite emotions of different shades. As an example, let’s consider Autonomies from creation. A sample of Picturis. Artists’ Container and Secretary of Culture at the Museo Casa León Trotsky, on display until April 2.

This exhibition forces us to move through the cracks of forced shapes and imagined forms, to place ourselves before the uncomfortable and confusing of society, and then push us towards the clear and structured. «Autonomies from Creation» has the participation of ten women artists from different artistic disciplines: Alejandra Zermeño, Brigitte Briones, Elena Manero, Katalina Garzón, Natasha Gray, Paola Celada, Paola Pineda, Paulina Jaimes, Rocío Caballero, and Sandra del Pilar.

«Autonomies from Creation» presents works that combine techniques with creativity and originality with critical thinking and present the work of outstanding female artists in contemporary art. This exhibition, organized within the framework of Women’s Month, is an opportunity to learn about the work of these artists and reflect on their role in the world of art.
The artists in the exhibition stand out for their ability to create works that express their vision of the world and their commitment to the fight for gender equality.

Each work in the exhibition presents a unique and personal look at the reality we live in from the perspective of women. Using creativity and innovation, these artists have found ways to convey their message and vision, giving a voice to those who have long remained silenced.

The exhibition is presented by Picturis by Darío Ortiz (Colombia), Artists’ Container by Gabriela Andrade Gorab (Mexico), and Luigi Fantini (Mexico), together with the Ministry of Culture. «Autonomies from Creation» is open to the public from March 2 to April 2 at the León Trotsky House Museum. Visiting hours are from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Admission is free for all public.
Do not miss it, and follow Artists’ Container for more.
Artists’ Container.