Reading Time: 2 min.
How many times have you decided to undertake a project only for it to end in just an idea, either due to lack of budget or decision? How many excuses do you give yourself to postpone your dreams? What limits you from doing what you want? These and other questions moved Teacher and Doctor Jouss Carbajal to start the Get Off Airplane Mode movement and become a powerful motivational tool so that women can achieve professional goals with a kind focus on leadership, personal and professional fulfillment, or entrepreneurship.

At a lovely breakfast, full of sorority and feminine joy, Carbajal presented his new book and social movement, Get Off Airplane Mode, in the company of great personalities. In congruence with the tools and talents that the book and the movement seek to bring to readers, the morning ran smoothly with the presence of Vinicius Covas, an AI expert and colleague of Jouss Carbajal, who offered a talk on Artificial Intelligence and its applications in the day-to-day entrepreneurship, in addition to an inspiring talk by the author Eufrosina Cruz.

Through six chapters of inspiring and transformative reading, Get Off Airplane Mode by Jouss Carbajal offers teachings, advice, interviews, and guides, promotes business education, and significantly promotes the growth and support of the movement hundreds of women are experiencing worldwide. In the book, the author helps you generate an action plan to boost your brand through branding, the tools to launch your social networks without fear, communication, the digital world, cost and expense management, networking, and public relations.

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