Reading Time: 1.4 min.
Much more than a prestigious retail store, the Palacio de Hierro has become synonymous with luxury and quality at its best. For a couple of years, Palacio de Hierro has made an extraordinary effort to offer new experiences and opportunities to its clients. And thanks to The Immersive Experience at the Palacio de los Palacios, they shine once again and offer an experience designed not only to decorate and give life to the profiles of your social networks but to inspire and stimulate your senses.

The immersive experience awaits you in the basement of the Palacio de Hierro Polanco, so you can visit six rooms designed to stimulate your senses through audio and videos created by renowned national and international artists such as Maria Bernal, Gil Castro, Pablo Todd, and Mary Liz Bender. , who present a unique room inspired by the Overview Effect, Lorenza Heredia and Ethan Nava, Centro graduate students, and others.

The experience is something you have to be aware of. Unlike previous ones, such as the selfie experience, this one intends to be present and let yourself go to enjoy an incomparable enjoyment of the senses in a moving and fun way.

The Immersive Experience is made up of pieces created collectively and conceived by more than ten visual and sound artists and programmers; in a format that invites us to reflect on the notion of the passage of time concerning the future.

It has six rooms with various pieces that incorporate different techniques such as pixel mapping, 2D and 3D animations integrated with reactive motion sensors that allow us to interact with some of the works, as well as sound pieces in 4.1 and 7.1 formats mixed on multiple channels through new technologies, which together manage to create an atmosphere of absolute immersion.

Unlike others, The Immersive Experience is open to the public for only two hundred pesos, except on Mondays when there is a special discount when presenting a student ID. The tour lasts 40 minutes and runs from 11:10 a.m. to 8:20 p.m.

Hurry up, as it will only be available until July 25.

Statement, Alan González S.