How to stop over-talking? And the power of active listening

Reading Time: 1.2 min.

Talking awakens the mind. A good conversation can be more stimulating than a strong coffee. However, there are several reasons why excessive talking is often a problem. Mainly, keeping your mouth open keeps your ears closed. The obsession with speaking turns us into people who seek to have something to say and limits us when listening to a conversation.

Talking too much is often a reflection of immaturity or lack of emotional intelligence. Sometimes when we feel insecure or want to demonstrate our intelligence or value, we open our mouths too much. However, by doing this is usual for others to seem as fake.

By actively listening, you will be able to get to know people better and build more meaningful relationships from this.

Talking stops you from doing

Walt Disney once said The best way to start is to stop talking and start doing. And yes. Having ambition and talking about your projects is very good, but the only thing that will make them come true will be your effort to act.

Do you want to succeed? Shut your mouth and listen more than you talk.

How to stop over-talking?

  • When possible, keep quiet. Imagine that your words are money, and spend them wisely.
  • Master the art of pausing. Breathe. Wait. Let the person process what you are sharing. Former United States President Barack Obama typically pauses on average seven seconds between sentences when speaking.
  • Quit social networks. Or at least reduce the time you spend on them. Studies have shown how they alter our perception.
  • Search for silence. Disconnect from the world. Drop everything and give your brain a break to help spark your creativity.
  • Learn to listen. Active listening requires paying full attention to the words of your interlocutor. Do not just wait your turn to talk.



Unsplash, Pexels.

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