Reading Time: 2 min.
Cristian Rocha, son of the actor Enrique Rocha and the sculptor Patricia Campos, is a creative and talented Mexican who is committed to revolutionizing advertising. In addition to being a founding partner and CEO of Made, one of the paramount advertising agencies in Latin America, Cristian focuses on creating scenarios, spaces, and products that encourage and support creativity in Mexico. Learn more about Cristian and his vision of creativity today in an exclusive interview for Statement.

With a family and heritage like yours, for Cristian Rocha, is creativity something inherited, something you discover, or something that should be cultivated and nourished?
It seems to me that the three things make up the creativity of every person. We are all a part of what our parents are, but creativity, if neglected and not implemented, day by day, fades away and gets lost. Creativity is something you should nourish and inspire.

Do you believe creativity is an international human phenomenon, or is it specific to each place and idiosyncrasy?
Humans are creative by nature. We are all creative beings and will be affected depending on where we live. Our day-to-day life is what inspires our creativity. To create, you have to observe and be inspired; therefore, the ideas of someone from Mexico and someone from Japan will always be different; however, both ideas can be terrific.

How do you find the most creative way to share an idea?
Each idea is to manifest in a certain way. I don’t think there is such a thing as a more creative way to share or express ideas. It depends a lot on the thought and if it’s better communicated in a painting, a song, a sculpture, or even in advertisements. Even in advertising, each idea lives in a specific channel.
What is more important to keep the mind active: creativity or curiosity?
To live. The simple act of living nourishes and inspires you every day. Although curiosity gives you better insights by going further, going out on the street, to a bar, or reading a good book, keep your mind active and ready to create.

As a creative, what is most important to you when presenting an idea?
Be convinced that is the correct one. Your client must trust you completely. Then, your responsibility is to communicate a product or service to move the needle. It is not easy to sell a creative idea, but if you earn the client’s trust and he feels 100% confident in what you present, the path to getting that idea on the air will be easier.

What moves Latinos to get excited about an idea or a product?
First, you must identify with the brand; that can only achieved when you know the Latin culture and not the clichés.
As Latinos, we like to feel, whatever it is, cry, laugh, or scream, but we crave to feel. You have to move fibers with local insights; never copy formulas from other countries since they will not work the same here.

How do you integrate talent and creativity into a team, deal with egos and talents, and obtain the best result in a world as competitive as advertising?
The best results come when talent meets love for ideas; when the best idea is the common goal, both egos and competitiveness disappear; now, more than ever, the work nourished by several heads will always be better.

Answer the first thing that comes to mind when you hear these words
Creativity: IDEAS
Advertising: FUN
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