Reading Time: 1.5 min.
According to Nietzsche’s philosophy, life without music would be a mistake. Music is present throughout our lives to celebrate happy moments, remember special days, and even accompany us in painful chapters like a funeral. Without words, a melody can awaken memories or help build them and convert a simple encounter into an unforgettable story. But did you know that music can also heal? That’s how it is. It is a fact that certain melodies and frequencies have positive results in some ailments. These are just a few examples.
To fall asleep

Lie down, spray some lavender-scented scents, press play, and close your eyes to listen to Chopin’s Nocturne Op.9 No.2. In particular, the Nocturne in E flat major, Op. 9, has been investigated for its potential health benefits. A study published in the Journal of Advanced Nursing examined the effects of Chopin’s Nocturne on patients with insomnia. Researchers found that listening to the piece before bed helped improve sleep quality and reduce insomnia.

Surgeon's Favorite

According to the book The musical medicine cupboard, Toselli’s serenade has helped patients’ recovery from surgeries related to the digestive system, in addition to being attributed properties to reduce colitis.
Calm the nerves

According to the study endorsed by the University of Edinburgh, Music listening in treatment of anxiety disorders: conceptualization and proof of concept, listening to the Swan by the French composer Camille Saint-Saëns immediately reduces anxiety and calms the nerves.

Reduces depression

Beethoven’s classical piano concerto no.5, popularly known as The Emperor, has been shown to help decrease cortisol levels and help patients diagnosed with clinical depression, according to studies from the University of Oaxaca.
Music is for the soul, as gymnastics is for the body.