Reading Time: 2 min.
The brain is considered by many to be the star organ in our body; human brain capacity is considered virtually unlimited, and scientific research suggests that the human brain houses approximately 86 billion neurons, each one forms connections with others, which could add up to 1 quadrillion or 1 billion trillion connections; far more powerful than any computer that exists today; so, protecting your brain is essential to promote healthy aging.
To keep your mind agile and take care of your brain, we present six fundamental elements to keep it in its prime.
Work Out

Physical activity improves cognitive function, memory, efficiency, and attention. And exercise helps prevent cognitive decline.


The human brain is 80% water; hydration is essential for proper brain functioning.

It is essential to sleep between 7 and 9 hours a day; without it is impossible to form and maintain the brain pathways that allow learning and creating new memories, and insomnia limits concentration and the ability to respond quickly.


It is a scientifically proven fact that learning, especially that join by pleasure, acts as a tonic or as an antioxidant because it allows the release of a series of neurotrophic factors, that is, chemicals that protect and promote the growth of our brain, and they also slow aging and the development of neurodegenerative diseases.

The time spent with beloved friends and family has proven to promote brain health and protect the brain against cognitive decline and dementia.


Nutrition is always a big deal, but essential for brain function; food ingredients affect the production of chemical signals in the brain and influence our mood and behavior to reduce depression, anxiety, neurosis, and sleep disorders.
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