Reading Time: 2 min.
As part of the activities organized for its members by the distinguished group of Fashion Group International Mexico City, under the direction of Zaira Marino, on March 23rd, an extraordinary dialogue table was held under the theme Vanguard Leadership Fashion with exceptional personalities from the business and fashion worlds, at the Prendes restaurant.

The conversation led by the gifted Aline Bortoloti, director of the Board of Ex-Directors of FGI Mexico City, was carried out between three multi-talented women such as the Amazon Fashion brand manager, Aranzazu Cortés, the founder of Tanya Moss Jewelry Tanya Moss, and the Chief Operating Officer of Sephora Mexico, Cindy González.

The conversation included personal topics for these leaders, such as the challenges and satisfactions they have faced in their careers, and shared valuable tips like walking with your team to reach the proposed goal faster and better. They also talked about their role models, ranging from the examples seen at home, as in the case of Tanya Moss, who fondly remembered the legacy of work and effort that her great-grandmother set her. And about the importance of being a leader by example. Paramount for her company that employs 75% women.

During the conversation, they shared with the attendees their views on fundamental issues like balance among personal and work lives, resilience, and the importance of believing in yourself and always being the first to invest in yourself and your projects.

With initiatives like this, the FGImx board of directors brings its members and guests closer to activities, personalities, and initiatives focused on the benefit of the fashion industry in Mexico and its members. In addition, it provides them with unparalleled networking opportunities because the guests include personalities such as Lydia Lavín, Jaime Ibiza, Montserrat Messeguer, Jasive Fernandez, and many others of great talent and recognition for their contribution to the world of catwalks.

Statement, Alan González S.