Women’s Mind Recognitions

Reading Time: 2 min.

Highlighting achievements in terms of gender equality, reducing the closure of the gender gap, continuing to promote the conversation, pointing out the paths to follow, and involving men as allies are part of the pillars that inspired the Mente Mujer recognitions from Heraldo Media Group and Dalia Empower in the first delivery of the Mente Mujer Recognitions.

The minds behind this initiative are María Cristina Mieres Zimmermann, vice president of Social and Cultural Development of Heraldo Media Group, and Gina Diez Barroso, founder of Dalia Empower, a movement dedicated to empowering women through personal development and programs for inclusive growth in the companies. Both projects united to motivate society to build a country where women can exercise their rights and develop their full potential. As a result of this collaboration, the idea arose to organize a special award ceremony for gender equality.

During the event, people, organizations, and institutions that promoted and defended female empowerment were celebrated through significant actions to promote gender equality. The Dalia Empower and Mente Mujer teams nominated 130 people and entities, of which 9 were winners of the Equality Drivers (individuals), Transforming Forces (companies), and Impact Allies (organizations) recognitions, in addition to 4 special mentions.

The recognitions went to figures such as Vivir Quintana, composer of the song Vivir sin miedo, a feminist symbol with 22 million views on YouTube, Marcelina Bautista, an activist who began the fight for the rights of domestic workers and founder of the Support and Training Center for Domestic Workers AC and the National Union of Domestic Workers, among other personalities and companies committed to equity.

In the Impact Allies category designed for associations or foundations created by civil society, the winners were Dignified Menstruation for promoting the elimination of taxes on menstrual management products and for seeking options for their free delivery to vulnerable populations.

The Mente Mujer Dalia Empower Recognitions marks a milestone in closing the gender gap in the country. This special celebration welcomed transcendent academic and business personalities, social activists, and journalists committed to gender equality, along with the Dalia Empower Women’s Mind Recognition Selection Council, which gathers fourteen people from the business and philanthropic fields.

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