Statement View in a high altitude experience on Pico del Aguila

Reading Time: 1 min.

The appointment was at dawn at El Palacio de Hierro Santa Fe, welcomed by the fantastic team formed by Wellness Palacio, Salomon, and a Mazda convoy, which would take us to the starting point of our adventure. Our mission was to climb Eagle Peak to watch the sunrise as part of the experience program of El Palacio de Hierro and Wellness Palacio to promote their brands.

Pico del Águila is a peak from the mountain range called Ajusco Volcano at 3,937 m, located in the Cumbres del Ajusco National Park. At its foot, the guides’ group who would help us conquer the summit were waiting for us. Once equipped with helmets, flashlights, and walking sticks, we began the walk in this impressive landscape. The path is challenging, so it demanded attention and effort, but at the same time, it allowed us to bond and learn more about the incredible team that prepared this experience for us.

Halfway along the way, the darkness gave way to the first rays of the sun to give us an incredible spectacle and the perfect motivator to reach the top. Although each one went at their own pace, we were always one, and together we reached Pico del Águila.

Once on top, a wonderful and unique place awaited us with an impressive view of the surroundings and a powerful silence. There, we rested a little, hydrated, and ate some snacks.

To make this experience even better, the Wellness Palacio team, along with Roxana Castaños and Diana Arzate, gave us a magical and renewing moment through a guided meditation accompanied by sound healing. With the batteries recharged, it was time to return. Now, the views were different and a spectacle wherever you looked.

With the batteries recharged, it was time to return. Now, the views were different and a spectacle wherever you looked.


Statement, Alan González S.©

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Statement, Alan González S.©


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