A perfect app to forget about jet lag

Reading Time: 1 min.

Traveling is probably the greatest pleasure that money can buy. Regardless of the destination, each trip offers a unique opportunity to discover the world from a new perspective as we rediscover ourselves. However, when traveling, not everything is hunky-dory. One of the biggest problems of traveling is the annoying jet lag. This discomfort can spoil a vacation, complicate the closing of a business and affect our health. Luckily -as with everything- there is already an app to solve this problem.

Timeshifter is an application that promises to send jet lag to oblivion; developed by internationally renowned scientists and used by astronauts, high-performance athletes, and the most powerful CEOs.

Through tips such as the best time to consume or avoid caffeine, recommending the optimal time for a nap to help you acclimatize to the current schedule, and more. If it’s good enough for NASA and its space missions, imagine what it can do for you.



Timeshifter, Lopez Alegría.

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