The advantages of including probiotics in your active routine

Reading Time: 2 min.

Having a physical routine provides incomparable benefits in every way. However, sometimes, this is not enough to reduce the size of your waist and thus protect the internal organs of your abdominal cavity. There are many options to improve the results of your routine, like vitamins, proteins, and probiotics. The latter are live microorganisms (such as bacteria and yeasts) that, when consumed, provide health benefits. These are naturally present in some fermented foods and food products and available as dietary supplements.

Probiotics act primarily in the digestive system and affect the gut microbiome. When a person eats or drinks enough probiotics, they help protect the digestive tract from harmful microorganisms, improve digestion and bowel function, and provide other health benefits. There are different types of probiotics, including those that contain the BPL1 strain. This particular strain acts by oxidizing the fat that surrounds the internal organs of the abdominal cavity, the most harmful and dangerous for our health, when consuming a cycle of at least three months. These probiotics use our abdominal fat to convert it into energy for better performance in physical activity.

Among the benefits of consuming BPL1 probiotics are:

  • Improve runner’s gut symptoms.
  • Reduce gastrointestinal symptoms during your runs.
  • Reduce the risk of infections.
  • Increase sports performance by reducing gastrointestinal and respiratory system problems.
  • Reduce oxidative stress.
  • Improve the inflammatory response and recovery time.
  • In addition, ingesting this type of probiotics helps to prevent metabolic, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, and respiratory diseases and to combat overweight.
  • As if that were not enough, BPL1 probiotics can prevent hypertension, decrease the effects of hormonal disturbances – and thus help prevent infertility – and lower insulin resistance.

To maximize the results of your routine and your quality of daily life, we recommend Microbiot Fit probiotics. These probiotics come from Columbia Laboratories, a Mexican company with 70+ years in the market.

Microbiot Fit received the FDA’s GRAS Certificate (Generally Recognized as Safe). It promises incomparable safety in its benefits and can be ingested by children, and pregnant and lactating women, without side effects.

Learn more at MicrobiotFit.


Statement, Alan González S.


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