Creators Mexico, a meeting to transform history

Reading Time: 2 min.

If a mind has been able to transform history, imagine being present when great minds and creators meet to exchange ideas that aim to revolutionize the world. That will be possible next April 11 and 12 at the Metropolitan Auditorium of Puebla, in a creative #ReEvolución in the Creators Mexico forum.

Since its first edition, this forum has had the objective of exalting Mexican talent and presenting agents of change and experts in different topics and disciplines so that they can share their experiences and successes and their mistakes and battles on a path that is sometimes winding, but that led them to be where they are now and share it first-hand with an audience that is also willing to become agents of change.

Creators Mexico seeks to promote growth and education, promote the entrepreneurial ecosystem, and support social causes through a meeting that advocates for a creative re-evolution based on topics such as education, art and culture, business and entrepreneurship, motivation and resilience, new trends: Technology, communication and sustainability and more.

The host, writer, and announcer, Pamela Cerdeira, will give a presentation. The communicator is known for her strong commitment to truth and justice and her courage to address issues of social relevance that have made her an influential voice in Mexican journalism.

Entertainment is part of the forum. It is about learning and inspiring but also enjoying the moment. An example is Roberto Matthews, another of the meeting participants, who will also close the event. There is a DJ known as Yo Soy Mat who explores different genres. He transforms into a narrator who tells the work, life, and miracles of great and inspiring characters who turn the musical experience into a kind audiobook.

The meeting will also feature the presence of ACZINO, the Freestyle legend; Carlos Couturier, founder of Grupo Habita; Juan Manuel Ruiz from Círculo de Crédito and promoter of access to credit; Yulay, prominent content creator on YouTube, with millions of followers; Anuar Layon, creative director and fashion designer with more than 14 years of experience and Carla Cardona, who has created a safe space for the exploration of self-knowledge and mental health care, among other great personalities that you can consult on the website:

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Statement, Alan González S. ©


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