Learn the steps to perform an effective self-examination

Reading Time: 1.4 min.

According to data from the World Health Organization, 1 in 12 women will get breast cancer at some point in their lives, and in Mexico, it is the leading cause of death from disease in women. From the age of 20, it is fundamental to know how to do a correct self-examination and do it once a month. Below, learn the steps to perform an effective self-examination of your breasts.

The steps for an effective self-examination are as follows:

To explore the right breast, place your right hand behind your neck.

Apply light pressure from the outside to the inside, looking for pilling, hardening, or depression.

Move up and down your breast in a zigzag pattern.

Perform spiral movements from the inside out.

Repeat the steps with your other breast.

Remember to check under your armpits if there are any lumps.

Thanks to the support of foundations like CIMA and brands like Bonafont, there is more and more information available and fewer taboos around this topic. This year, both presented the “Tapas Que Aligeran” campaign to collect tapas that become resources for breast cancer treatment and use technology and networks to teach how to perform self-examination effectively.

Self-examination should be a habit that all women should have since, knowing your breasts, any change in them will make you go to the doctor to detect any anomaly in time, having time to save your life, says Eliza Puente, Director of CIMA Foundation. In addition, it is advisable to go to the oncologist immediately if you detect any of the symptoms already described. Do not let fear stop you. None of these symptoms mean that you have cancer; only that you need to get checked with the right doctor. If you do not know who to turn to, call Fundación CIMA; they can direct you to a specialist.

CIMA Foundation.


Statement – Alan González S.


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